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Are you interested in joining Temple Beth Sholom of Temecula?

We look forward to welcoming you to our congregation! As a Conservative Synagogue, our approach is a more modern, inviting atmosphere that relishes its own diversity. Whether you come from a more traditional Jewish background, are part of an interfaith family, or just beginning to get in touch with your Judaism- Temple Beth Sholom of Temecula is right for you.

Shabbat services are held weekly by our very own, Rabbi Sandy Rosenstein, who always delivers a vibrant and deeply meaningful sermon as we bring in the Sabbath. Additionally, as a member you will surely not want to miss out on our many programs, such as adult education on the Talmud, beginning Hebrew classes, movie nights, and hiking excursions.

Located below is the Membership form {PDF format}.  Please print it and the Family Yahrzeit Listings page (if applicable), fill them out and return them to us with a check or credit card information for the appropriate amount TBS Membership Form. If you have any issues downloading the form or have any questions, please contact us.

Membership Dues:

  • $900 for an individual
  • $1,500 for a family

High Holiday Tickets only:

  • $75 per person
  • or $150 per couple